A letter against full decriminalization from a survivor of the sex trade
The push for full decriminalization of the sex trade means those who are bought and sold will no longer be viewed as criminals. However, it also means pimps, buyers, and traffickers will be decriminalized too. Learn from a youth survivor of the sex trade on why this could be so harmful and dangerous to those who are currently in prostitution, and for those who are trying to leave.
Allow Me To Introduce Myself
While women and children are disproportionally trafficked and exploited, men can and do experience it too. Learn from John Price, a survivor of domestic sex trafficking.
The Pandemic
The 2020 pandemic threw challenges into the world for many. But what about the other pandemic? The pandemic of the commercial sex trade.
If I felt I could have, I would have done something else.
"Why didn't you just leave?" a common phrase thrown at women who are abused and exploited by the commercial sex trade. Learn from Lived Experience Expert, Jaimee Johnson, on why it isn't always that easy.
The Book I've Avoided
Mandy Long, a survivor of human trafficking, discusses her difficult journey to begin this book, Girls Like Us by Rachel Llyod. Although difficult to address, Long focuses on the importance of recognizing the dangers of human trafficking.