Overcoming Obstacles to Stability and Safety

Overcoming Obstacles to Stability and Safety

When individuals are marginalized, oppressed, and devalued, they are dehumanized, which makes it easier for traffickers to take advantage of this vulnerability. One of the greatest obstacles we can overcome to help provide safety and stability to survivors is to see them as human again. By restoring dignity and choice, empowering through legal and social services, housing, and access to basic needs, we will be helping survivors move away from living lives controlled by exploitative situations. The obstacles above are huge societal issues that will take work and time, but we all can start by practicing kindness, and doing our part in addressing our personal biases. Small steps always lead to big outcomes, so let’s keep moving forward!

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The “Big Three”

The “Big Three”

When it comes to talking about the lack of stability and safety, we cannot escape a discussion about how some individuals are more vulnerable to trafficking than others due to three big systems of oppression, violence and marginalization. This is directly linked to racism, gender-based discrimination and violence, and sexual orientation. For each of these areas there is inequity, where there is a lack or even a denial of access to necessary resources such as safe housing, making a living wage, educational training, childcare that is safe and affordable, and being able to receive protection from the legal system, Each of these factors makes these populations more at risk than others to poverty, economic inequality, and more at risk for homelessness and as a result more vulnerable to being exploited through labor or sex trafficking.

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Homelessness, the Lack of Secure Housing and Human Trafficking
Survivor Voice, Wheel of Risk Emily Robinson Survivor Voice, Wheel of Risk Emily Robinson

Homelessness, the Lack of Secure Housing and Human Trafficking

Not having access to safe and secure housing predisposes individuals to be human trafficked and also puts them at risk to be trapped in continued cycles of exploitation and poverty. Between January 2015 and December 2017, The National Human Trafficking Hotline had 1,548 individuals reported unstable housing situations at the start of their experience of exploitation. This continues even after the exploitation ends because there is not enough supportive, affordable or inclusive shelters or long-term housing opportunities.

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3 Ways Human Traffickers Lure Economically Vulnerable and Homeless Individuals

3 Ways Human Traffickers Lure Economically Vulnerable and Homeless Individuals

A human trafficker takes advantage of systems of oppression and inequity that are already at work in our world making certain populations vulnerable. For individuals in poverty or facing homelessness promises of economic stability and shelter are lures that human traffickers use to exploit their vulnerabilities and take advantage of their basic needs.

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