small wheels, big impact.

Rollerskate to Liberate is changing the world one skate at a time. We move to gather advocates, empower survivors, and take preventative action against human trafficking and exploitation.

What is human trafficking?

Trafficking is not always moving a person from country to country, it doesn’t only happen in third world countries, and it doesn’t always involve sex. Trafficking happens when a person uses force, fraud, or coercion to exploit another person for their own gain. The two main forms of trafficking are:

Labor Trafficking: The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, OR coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Example: A factory owner keeps a worker's legal documentation and forces the worker to earn the documents back.

Sex Trafficking: A commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, OR when the person induced to perform such an act is not 18 years of age. Example: A pimp coerces a person they must perform sexual acts for sex buyers or the pimp will harm their family.

So how do we break down these crimes and actually do something to prevent and end trafficking from happening?


RS2L Wheel Of Risk

We’ve taken a step back when looking at human trafficking. If less than 10% of victims are kidnapped by strangers, then how does someone end up in trafficking situations? What type of person are pimps and traffickers targeting? How can we help?

The Wheel of Risk was created by survivors, experts, and educators to help answer these questions.

It identifies many risk factors that can lead individuals into--or keep them in--a trafficking situation. Someone who doesn’t fall into these categories can still be can be trafficked, but the overwhelming majority of trafficked individuals identify with at least one of these risk factors. 

Fighting and eliminating these risks will help us fight and eliminate human trafficking.

Education = Prevention

We believe human trafficking can be prevented when individuals are aware of how human trafficking happens and the multiple factors that enable it to continue.

Our Learning Hub has easy to digest, quick lessons on how you can be an advocate and actively fight against trafficking in your everyday life.

Discover and discuss what healthy relationships look like with your loved ones.

Do you know where your products are coming from? How about who made them? Every product comes with a price.

Whether it is your local women’s shelter, a food bank, or mentoring youth, there are hundreds of ways to help prevent human trafficking.

We’re not going to sugar coat it…

We really need your help.

Human trafficking is effecting communities and individuals everywhere. Without people like you, it would not be possible to gain momentum for this cause. Every penny and minute spent combatting human trafficking adds up and makes a big difference.

Pictured above: Volunteers having a great time!